Spotlight on the Focal Point
I feel better again today; can’t say exactly why but I’m going to guess. I think it’s about my career and I feel secure that even though I don’t know how to direct the next few phases of my life and career, I am certain again about staying focused even though I can’t see the path yet.
I’m going to stay focused on continuing to search again, start over again in a field that I’ve started over in so many times. Sometimes I think I’m just being delusional by continuing in a field that I’ve only had relative success. Yes, it has served to support my children and I but there were obstacles that I wasn’t able to scale at those times.
But still, here I am attempting to either quit or keep going. Making the decision--again--to keep going is relieving a good deal of the stress I’ve felt. Also I came to see this morning that this is just like all the other times, when we reevaluate, realign, prune a few dead branches off the tree I’m trying to grow, and then refocus.
Even if the searching doesn’t feel like focus, I must keep reminding myself what it is: focus.
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