Friday, October 05, 2007

How Much Time is Left to Waste?

This link to fundmasteryblog hints at another reason why I know I need to take my own economics and personal finance more seriously, one way or another.

Of course I am very aware of the debate a while back regarding Social Security and the economic health and welfare of the elderly.

I use to write about it a bit on a former blog I had and that is when I became aware again that I needed to work smarter to secure my own retirement so my children will not be saddled with that concern.

I need to think about ways to ensure long-term care if I become ill when I am older and I know there’s a hefty price tag for that.

Once again, it is late at night and I was going to shut off the computer but I just had to link one more little bit of resource material--if only for my own reminder to check out all the links that are listed in this economics and personal finance commentary by Kurt Brouwer.

Because there is no more time to waste.


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