Sad again today and I know everyone will say you’re depressed and need drugs. I’m not depressed and I don’t need drugs. I just finished raising four children alone and I am almost 50 years old. (Youngest is 21 and still living at home, when she’s not traveling the world.)
I can be sad if I want to be sad. It’s what I’m supposed to be feeling because even though I’m continuing in school (nearly finished in a career I may not even want anymore but for blogging, or maybe not) and am learning an entirely different job (stock trading! lol), I am not very impressed. I think my past life as a single mother raising four children gave me enough shocks that nothing really impresses me anymore.
Not that I want to be impressed. I am delighted to be over all that excitement. It’s just that I am not impressed with this world, I am not impressed with many options that would create any type of excitement and I am going to remain as unimpressed as necessary. I guess in this world that means sad. (It's really not all that bad:)
You haven't filled your house with pets yet? That's what I did after my children grew up and I'm still babysitting five of them. FIVE! LOL
We have some things in common. I raised my kids for years as a single mom, dragged them to college with me so I could support them and made sure they made it through college. Now I'm in my fifties but am remarried.
Now that the kids are gone it's time to write fiction and create the worlds that have been inside of me and crying to break loose. :D I've been learning the fiction writing craft and have begun an amazing journey. Writers are AWESOME friends. The emotional support as we climb the rejection ladder to success is unbelievable. :D
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Kindred spirit, JJ
That’s funny, nature nut, thanks for the laugh. I needed that:)
I have been thinking that I want a cat but condo rules don’t allow them. And I agree, writers can be awesome friends.
It’s great that you’re finding the things that are inside of you--nothing better than that. Did you go through a period of time when you didn’t know just what was “screaming”?
That your worlds were crying and broke loose is great and that you’re listening is even better. Creativity urges are so enlivening. Sometimes hearing/listening is the hardest part.
It's been so nice to meet you. I'm glad I happened upon your blog.
I used to scream in my car driving home from work. No kidding. My world has found its way back to normal and I'm truly blessed. :D Hang in there. I'm glad you're back!!!
I must share this delightful link that will plaster a smile on your face daily. :D
Hugs, JJ
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