I wish I could figure out my feelings
I have an incomplete in one class that I must but don’t want to try to complete, I was just granted my program to register for classes in the fall, which I barely want to do but I just must finish; I find sleeping peacefully difficult most nights and being awake as difficult most days. And this in the best years of my life. That seems strange to me.
I understand these types of feelings when you’re in disastrous situations, facing banishment and paucity, abandonment and mistreatment by people you thought loved you, disrespect and deception by people you thought were your friends. But this is not the case anymore and, thus, I find it difficult to understand my consistent sadness.
7:44 p.m. Update: I finished my 20-page portfolio! I used articles from a former blog to help me. I was happy for about an hour and immediately started worrying about the next thing that needs to be completed, and the thing after that, and the thing after....
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