Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Before I write another book

(because it takes so long and I feel like a piece of shit) I think I'm going to do some more articles for artist's productions for local newspapers. I think I'm also going to live alone, if I can manage it, so that I can hear myself think, so that I don't have to listen to people who don't know a damn thing about citizen journalism or online journalism tell me how it's done.

Yesterday, my best friend told me she never opens a newspaper. Never. Yet, she too is always telling me how to do it. I could scream. I'm the one who has written for seven newspapers. I'm the one with the experience. Why do I have these types of people around me? People who barely read anything about the arts too, are always trying to tell me about it. I'm so angry.

I wrote 800 pages for my first book. Then I was told what to do and I followed my lover's advice. At that time I was experimenting to see if that worked. I guess I followed his advice too many times because now he's a spoiled brat.

Yes, this is just another unedited free-writing rant.


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