Saturday, March 19, 2011

I thought that I heard you sing...but that was just a dream....

This is the season of the melting snows

After winter, spring always come. Like a tree. Push push push. Just laugh. Where'd that energy come from?: through the feet, up the spine....shoooosh...spring reigns....

Q: What are you going to do? Sit around all day blogging?

A: No. Just the weekends.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

"...Here is the situation in which the unusual has reached a climax

"One is courageous and wishes to accomplish one's task, no matter what happens.

"This leads into danger.

"The water rises over one's head.

"This is the misfortune.

"But one incurs no blame in giving up one's life that the good and the right may prevail.

"There are thiings that are more important than life."

(Wilhelm/Baynes: The I Ching or Book of Changes, page 114; Bollingen Series XIX, Princeton University Press 1950)