A woman on a women’s issues forum asked
“What do you do when life just doesn’t work out the way you want it to?"
She said she is 30 years old and still doesn’t have her shit together.
She said she has applied to med school three times and has been rejected each time. But she said that this is her dream.
She also said that none of her personal relationships have worked out and she is upset that she is still single.
She has worked hard and prayed harder “yet nothing has come through for me. Why?”
My answer is:
Try again and again and again. And if you don’t want to do that, then dream up something new.
None of us really have our shit together; it’s just that some of us eventually realize we never really get it together but keep going anyway.
As for relationships, failure is the way to success. You will see.
The reason that nothing has come through for you, dear sister, is that you’re just like the rest of us.
Try to dispel your anxiety over not looking like what the media et al portrays as the “typical American” because it’s just an illusion, a dream.
You are fine, really. Just don’t give up. But change if you feel a need to change, dream up something new if you want to dream up something new.
This is a crazy life.
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