Saturday, June 17, 2006

This Blog is Shut Down Until Further Notice


At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bah humbug

At 11:53 AM, Blogger aWoman'sBlog said...

I am taking a break for just a little while. I'll be back, and thanks for visiting. I'll stop by when I have another chance. I have some other types of work to do right now and just need to try and focus but I don't think it will be long at all.

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, i got your message on my blog.... That is quite an interesting dream you had... Are you sure it was a dream... Lots of details about things most people are not aware of... that actually do exist... like underground cites and facilities. None the less i understand.... I just got back from vacation and i am a student.. No time for anything. But i use blogging to keep my insanity... Life can be busy sometimes.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger aWoman'sBlog said...

Yes, it was a dream and funny thing is it was only part of the dream. Heh heh….

I just didn’t want to overwhelm your comment section.

I have very lengthy dreams and try to write them out many mornings when I have enough quiet time.

By the way, are you studying engineering? (From your profile.)

How much school do you have left to go?

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, two years i was taking up electronics engineering then i switche to software engineering. I will make and market my own products with my degree. I am also getting a dual degree in physics... I love physics and engineering... My mind has to be entertained or i get bored.. I feel i am just a drifter here on this planet so i have to have something to do other try to figure out why people are evil and cruel.. anywho.. writing down your dreams is goood...

At 1:20 PM, Blogger aWoman'sBlog said...

I think I was good in those areas a long long time ago but some how it's escaped me now. But my daughter is:)

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing escapes you.. u just have to find out how to remember it.. It is still there. I have this theory that we feed our bodies items that work against our natural state. I also have this theory that u can detox your mind.. just like you can with your spirit.... I always say theory to not sound crazed..I just feel somethings are possible and that some entities intentionally keep us all no matter what the color in bondage for controll.... any who... enjoy your day...


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